The big day is almost here – deep breaths, you got this! You’re two weeks away from moving and it’s time to update your accounts and records for your new place and address. You also want to take these two weeks before your move to plan ahead packing, meals, medication, pets, and children. Moving day is a BUSY one. Make sure to have everything on your moving list checked off for this two-week point. Trust us, you’ll be glad you did!
2 weeks before you move:
1. Recycle or dispose of corrosives, flammables, and poisonous items.
2. Prep two-weeks worth of meals and use everything in the freezer. Pinterest has some great meal prep ideas.
3. Back up your computer. If something goes awry during your move, you’ll be thankful you have everything saved in an alternate place.
4. Find out from the municipality when your trash/recycling collection will be at the new house. Try and get all your trash out for the last collection day before you move from your old house.
5. Remove light bulbs from all lamps you plan to move.
6. Prepare a list of emergency service technicians and preferred providers. You don’t want to be googling plumbers while your toilet is overflowing in your new home.
7. To keep little ones safe during a move, line up a babysitter or make arrangements for a play date.
8. Find somewhere safe for pets to go during your move. Look into doggy daycare or ask a friend to watch them for a day.
9. Use Google Maps to find your way to work by car or public transportation from your new home.
10. Send out moving announcement. There are plenty of creative ways to share your new address. Contact Post Office to forward your mail
11. Change your address with loan providers, credit cards, banks, and the payroll department at work. Moving far? Clean out your safe deposit box. Remember to order new cheques if you still use them.
12. Make sure to notify Revenue Canada. Change address for Canada Pension or other government benefits within 10 days of moving.
13. Cancel or Transfer your membership at the gym, yoga studio, Crossfit facility, etc if moving out of town. Clean out any lockers you might have.
14. Transfer your utilities including water, electric, and natural gas.
15. Update your driver’s license, health card with new address
16. Transfer your homeowners or renters insurance to your new home. Change your address for your auto insurance and car registration.
17. Fill your prescriptions and transfer your prescriptions to a new pharmacy, if necessary.
18. Clean outdoor furniture before it's moved.
Be sure to check out Moving Check List - Moving Week and Moving Day - you are almost there!

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